K - O

Learning How To Live - Space: Above and Beyond - Christy Kulp
The Wildcards are having moral problems and find the solution in an unorthodox group of Marines.
A Lesson to Be Taught - Emergency! - Christy Kulp
Roy revisits his Army days and Johnny learns an important lesson. Or does he?
The Life and Times of a Well-Used Sweatshirt - The Sentinel - Lila Kulp and Various Authors
A smarm filled series about a certain old Army sweatshirt.
Lost and Alone - The Sentinel - Lila Kulp
A Sentinel's greatest fear is to be lost and alone without his Guide. 04 Jan 99
Companion piece to 'My All the King's Horses and All the King's Men' and Ronnee's 'Memories and Memorabelia'.
Lucky Eddy - The Sentinel - Lila Kulp
Rafe has a slight problem when Rhonda meets one of his witnesses.
Missing - The Sentinel - Lila Kulp
A short fun chatfic. Jim has to confront one of his greatest fears.
Muppet Madness in Cascade - The Sentinel/Muppets - Lila Kulp and Various Authors
A series <G>
Mythic Reality - The Sentinel (AU) - Lila Kulp
Mix equal parts The Sentinel, comic books, and Greek Mythology and you get Mythic Reality.
The Naming of a Goddess - The Sentinel - Lila Kulp
An explanation for one of my nicknames, Blair's response to an act of kindness.
Nothing in Common - Emergency! - Christy Kulp
You often have more in common with others than you first thought.